Betha Sarasin
1996 „Una storia da cinema“.
2000 Château de Villersexel, joint multimedia performance with sculptural work by Betha and Teff Sarasin, music, dance.
Teff Sarasin
Born in Basel, 14 February 1931.
1950 Matura at Humanistisches Gymnasium, Basel.
1950-55 Architectural Studies at the Federal Technical Institute/ETH, Zürich.
1955 dipl. Arch. ETH (Prof. Dr. Hans Hofmann).
Extensive traveling to the U.S.A., East Asia, and numerous European countries.
1957 Admission to the father’s architectural office, Peter A. Sarasin, dipl. Arch. ETH BSA SIA.
1962 Emil Müller joins the company as a partner, a successful partnership.
Second residence in Venice since 1962.
1961-1969 Metal-labiles, and stone sculptures executed in Venice and in Basel.
1992- Metal-labiles, sculptural work intensified.
First group exhibition at Benkert Gallery, Küsnacht.
2000 Château de Villersexel, joint multimedia performance with sculptural work by Betha and Teff Sarasin, music, dance.
Various exhibitions at Haasner Gallery, Wiesbaden.
Continuous art production: paintings, labiles, large scale metal sculptures, sentinels
Died in Basel, 6 February 2006.